Ivan Gandola fashion designer/stylist graduated from the prestigious fashion school Marangoni in Milan; more than 30 years career and experience in high-end, which include Europe to United States he finally reached the coveted desire of every fashion designer; his own fashion label  “I’n’G beachwear”. 

A men’s swimwear collection luxury segment which was extremely successful; in 2013 the brand was acquired by a major Russian group.

Endless source of ideas and constant desire for renewal, but above all characterized by a free spirit who doesn’t like to be bound, Ivan is constantly evolving and researching; peculiarities of every true artist; for this reason he prefers to call himself a fashion artist.

All creations and ideas are source of research studied and evaluated in collaboration with various external artists active in fashion, painting and sculpture  and from the music until all other forms of art.


Thanks to the various collaborations in the fashion system, the interior design interfaced with his work and form this intertwining a further passion was born; the HOME STAGER



...love your life and follow your dream

Ivan Gandola